Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Sunamiya in Sri Lanka 2004

The Tsunami disaster in Sri Lanka has taken over 30,000 lives, and over another 1,000,000 people are displaced and living in refugee camps all over Sri Lanka.
Members of the Sinhaya team in Sri Lanka have been visiting the affected areas from the day after the tsunami, carrying medical, food, clothing and other essential supplies to affected people. So far, we have visited Galle, Matara and Hambantota number of times, most trips taking 24 hours from Colombo round trip. The situation during the first week was critical as very little supplies were getting to the effected people due to poor road conditions, and international aid not arriving. We only saw small groups of individuals helping out, along with Sri Lankan Red Cross and few other NGO groups. The situation has now somewhat improved, and  urgent materials are getting through to most areas. Most urgent need at this stage is to get people out of the refugee camps, and help them to get their lives back to normal, by providing them counselling, shelter, housing and other help to repair their businesses. Your help is essential at this stage.

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